Oh yes, it’s that time of year again. Got sugar cookies on the brain and want to include a nutritious and festive twist? Try adding our fresh spirulina to your next batch. The end result is a white and green marbled dough baked into buttery, crispy, cookies. Want to get fancy? Try toppings such as powdered sugar, icing, or sprinkles!
makes 2 – 3 dozen cookies (depends on cookie size/shape)
3/4 teaspoons kosher salt1/2 teaspoons baking powder3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for rolling1 1/2 cups (2 1/2 sticks) chilled butter (we recommend unsalted or cultured), cut into 1 inch pieces1 cup powdered sugar, plus 1 tablespoon (added separately) and more for dusting (optional)1 large egg1 large egg yolk1 teaspoon vanilla extract1 tablespoon We Are The New Farmers’ Spirulina
Make the base dough
1. In a medium-sized mixing bowl combine salt, baking power, and flour. Set asided
2. In a stand mixer or large mixing bowl (different bowl from flour mixture), whisk 1 cup sugar and butter until smooth and fully combined
3. Then, add the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla
4. Slowly add the flour mixture to the butter and sugar
5. Split dough in half. Keep one half in the mixing bowl. The other, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate (2 hours)
Make the spirulina dough
1. Add the spirulina and remaining tablespoon of powdered sugar to the dough and mix until a green dough forms
2. Wrap green dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate (2 hours)
Roll dough, cut shapes, and bake
1. Once each half of the dough is refrigerated for two hours, remove from the refrigerator
2. Prepare a baking sheet with a layer of parchment paper. Heat oven to 325F
3. We recommend that you do not roll out the dough in one go. Once warm, the dough will be hard to work with. It is best to separate each dough color into ten sections per color and keep the remainder in the fridge until ready to use
4. You can make our dual-colored dough your own. Each cookie will turn out unique, like a snowflake. We like to form each color into small logs—alternating white and green. Then, place each little log together and roll dough into 1/8 inch sheet. If the dough gets too sticky, you can freeze for about ten minutes in plastic wrap and start again
5. Cut shapes out of the dough (anything festive will do here…we chose stars for this batch)
6. Bake for 15-16 minutes at 325F
7. Cool cookies on a wire rack, and decorate with powdered sugar or other favorite cookie toppings