We Are The New Farmers

NYC Climate Week - A Review

NYC Climate Week - A Review

It's been some exhausting days for us with events around the clock during climate week. But it is amazing to see how many people are working on sustainable solutions to overcome what politics can't. Food will be an essential building block of a climate neutral future - and fresh Spirulina will be right in the middle of it.

The Minutes


We have been on strike. Together with hundreds of thousands of other protesters we went on the streets to demand a better climate policy.

We can still fix this


One of our customers catered for the United Nations. The organization that named Spirulina the best food for the future continuously since 1974 hosted a brunch as part of the Climate Conference weekend.


NYC Agtech Week begins: Dozens of events around the city explore the role of local food supply in a globalized food supply system. We are right in the middle: Stephanie Wright created Spirulina Energy Bites to keep attendees well nourished.


How do chefs and restaurants find out about new ingredients and local supplier? The come to Chef meets Farmer mixer! Like this one at Project Farmhouse where we sampled homemade hummus with fresh Spirulina. 


On Tuesday morning, we were invited to a panel on alternative form of urban farming. It's not all leafy greens! I was sharing the stage with mushroom farmer Andrew from Smallholds & insect farmer Alexis. 

In the evening, we participated in the Nextgen Cleantech event featuring 20 companies trying to make urban life more sustainable. 


On Wednesday, we exchanged our farm outfits for kitchen aprons. We were invited to look behind the scenes, when Charles Michel, who some of you may now from the Netflix show "The Final Table", prepared an ocean inspired dish featuring fresh Spirulina for his climate week dinner.

In the evening we were invited to a fireside chat with the Princeton Alumni Association, diving deep into the reasons why we started We Are The New Farmers.


Ever since we participated in the NYU Summer Launchpad accelerator program, we are closely involved with NYU entrepreneurial activities. Especially, when that means reuniting with our fellow cohort teams. On Thursday evening, we were invited to present We Are The New Farmers at the NYU Demo Day to a group of investors, mentors and alumni. 


Since there are no more events scheduled today, we finally have time for a team lunch at our favorite Falafel spot in Industry City. We catch up on the events of the last couple of days and plan out the upcoming week.