We Are The New Farmers



Many nutrients are important for good overall health. Most of them, the body gets from certain foods. However, the typical American diet – which consists primarily of grains, sugar, and saturated fats and not nearly enough fruits and vegetables – is lacking in certain vitamins and minerals that are essential for many bodily functions.


One of the most common nutrient deficiencies in North America is iron deficiency. If you are menstruating or following a plant-based diet you are at an increased risk of iron deficiency, with typical symptoms like weakness, tiredness and decreased brain function. If you follow a plant-based diet and want to know more - scroll down!


Spirulina is not only a great source of iron, studies also show it can increase the absorption rates of iron from our food. In our farm, we make sure to supercharge our algae with iron so you get the micros you need.


Unquestionably, there is no better way to start the day than with a spoonful of fresh Spirulina in your smoothie. With the assistance of some vitamin C rich ingredients, your body will have no problem getting the iron it needs. Click on the image to see Farmer Dan's morning smoothie for inspiration! 



Extract from Harvard Health Publishing


Most of us get the iron we need from food. Proponents of the Paleo or “cave man” diet should be cheered to know that red meat, poultry, and fish contain the most easily absorbed form of dietary iron—called heme iron. This is iron attached to the hemoglobin protein. The body absorbs heme iron more easily than the iron found in plants.

“In the typical American diet, the main sources of iron tend to be animal products,” Sesso says. “Typical meat consumption in the United States is usually more than adequate to meet one’s iron requirements.”

In plant foods, iron is not attached to such a protein. The body doesn’t absorb non-heme iron from fruits, vegetables, beans, and other plant foods as easily as it absorbs heme iron. That means those who eat little or no meat must take in more iron from leafy greens, legumes, whole grains, mushrooms, and other iron-rich plant foods. They also need to get enough vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron from food.